Monday, December 6, 2010

More photos from the Maldives

My darling took this photo for me, cute florist here on the island, so it's the next best thing, very special guy I have.
My new job as artist's assistant is coming along nicely;I just have to resist the urge to take up the brush and finish off other people's work..heeheehee....
Where can you get solitude like this, oh, I know, the Maldives.
That's Christopher arriving back on the island, the one in the sea-plane and that's me in the lagoon, soaking up the rays.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

More from The Maldives

Well, it's been awhile since I have blogged, not that I have been busy just consumed with trying to find myself under all of the weight of my life over the past few years. Mostly it's the physical weight that I have been working on. I think that finally I am coming out of the mist, hey okay fog, and yes, there are things that I miss from my previous life but all in all I am understanding myself a little better.....and it was with a bit of luck that I found a fellow from Sri Lanka who works at the resort gym here. With his valuable advice and a lot of effort on his part, I have re-discovered my arms and legs and am finally gaining something resembling a fitness level.

I have also found my will-power. Because I had lost it, gone somewhere, don't know where, but it has been sadly lacking in my life for sometime now. I think that I lost a far bit of my will-power between feeling elated that I survived cancer and on the other hand not really caring that I was over-indulging in the finer things of life. I realise now, that I have had a pretty short-term view of my life, but now I am starting to think longer-term. Which is a more positive outlook I can tell you. Am I raving, I think I am but I am also sitting in a great location, listening to good music, surrounded by holidaymakers enjoying themselves with my wonderful caring husband just up the stairs painting away creating another one of his masterpieces that has already been sold to the GM here, she of course has good taste! The weather here today is unbelievably bad, driving rain and strong wind gusts, so I am stuck here in the bar but I have lots of company, so that's all good.
Now some photos from the past few weeks to keep the record of my travels...........