Saturday, December 3, 2011

Blue Water

Today is a beautiful day. I am sitting watching the sunlight reflect off the ripples on seawater, wondering if the clouds on the horizon will sweep in later this afternoon. It is a great time of the year to be in the Maldives, cooler weather, light breezes and the afternoon storm before a bright star-lite night. Festive season is nearly upon us all and there is an underlying mood that settles into oneself and those around.....excitement, anticipation, planning, longing for places familiar all those things creep in around this time of the year. Goodness knows I do not miss the hurly-burly of Christmas shopping but I do miss the making of a good Christmas table and the noises and smells that go with cooking Christmas lunch for all the family. Now I have someone do that for me, but I can remember saying to my family after a particularly long and hot Christmas lunch that I wouldn't mind next year going to a restaurant but now I'm not convinced having spent the last few Christmas's abroad. But time change and capturing past times is not always what it is cracked up to be in your mind, and I am happy to take on these new moments in time.