Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Villa by the golf course

This is our place, a lovely suite with a view the golf course here and bonus, it has a small kitchen that allows me to whip-up savoury treats when we are not feeling like getting dressed and going out to dinner. Here in Thailand, like most of Asia, eating out is not a reward but a norm. Most houses do not have full cooking facilities at home and eating in small cafes or take-aways from the food market stalls or street vendors is what the locals do every day, it's social and there is a wide range of interesting foods available.
We get to dine in all of the wonderful restaurants here at the resort complex, some 30 I believe, and we spoilt for choice most of the time I can tell you. But sometimes we venture out into the streets of Phuket Island and have not been disappointed with the food nor the people we meet.
Recently we went on a quick visit to see John Underwood's studio on the bypass road into Phuket, he's a wonderful Australian artist and sculptor working in metal and used objects to create fascinating useful artworks and mosaics. Clearly, Australia exports some of it's best artists. We were very pleased to have meet his wife, Judy and son, Zak, what wonderful unassuming Australians...I hope we see them again soon.
We were trawling thru Central shopping centre the other day, have to go there to buy canvases and art supplies, try to keep from looking in the other stores because we just do not need to add to our baggage; and bumped into the head chef, an Aussie, from our last resort, he and a few of his culinary crew were having a few drinks and some food at a local restaurant, join us he said, so we did. It was like a scene out of Quentin Tarinto's cult movie 'Dusk to Dawn'. We ordered a couple of beers, they were served with ice cubes in less than clean glasses and within minutes a couple of platters of curried crab and soup with strong Thai herbs was placed in front of us. 'No,No' we chorus'd, we're not hungry, but by our third beer or was it our fifth, had decided that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and dived into the curried crab and were rewarded with the nicest crab dish we had enjoyed for a long time.

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